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Radix: Enabling Radix integration

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In this video from Promethean, learn how to quickly enable Radix integration in your devices of choice. Watch now.
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Radix Dashboard

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IT Admins, get to know the Radix Dashboard. Watch Promethean's quick video to get all the ins and outs today.
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Radix: Device details

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From the Radix Dashboard, users can get more info on their devices from within the Device Screen. This video shows users how.
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Radix: Checking for firmware updates

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Radix: Learn how to check for firmware updates. Watch our brief video to see the step-by-step process at work.
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Radix: Uninstalling app packages

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In this quick video from Promethean, you will learn how to easily uninstall apps from your panels using Radix. Watch now.
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Radix: Repositories

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In this quick video, get to know the repositories menu in Radix, and how its controls apply to all of the actions within your organization.
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Radix: Creating a Policy

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Policies allow users to hide or restrict apps on devices managed by Radix. In this video, learn how to quickly create a policy.
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Radix: Advanced Messaging

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Learn how to distribute YouTube videos, web URL's, and YouTube live stream videos to your ActivPanel using Radix Advanced Messaging.
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Radix: Assets

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In this quick video, learn how to easily upload and store assets like pictures, audio files, and more for your workflow.
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Radix: Creating a Workflow

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A workflow in Radix allows you to send multiple items to a panel at one time. In this video, learn how to easily create a workflow.
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Radix: Creating and deploying a trigger

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In this brief video, you'll learn how to quickly create and deploy a trigger command within Radix. Watch now.
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Radix Settings: WiFi Configuration

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In this video from Promethean, you will learn how about configuring your WiFi with Radix Settings. Watch now.
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Radix: General Settings

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In this video, IT Admins will learn what settings within general they can enable or disable within the ActivPanel. Watch now.
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Radix: Wallpaper Settings

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In this helpful video, you will learn how to quickly and easily upload and set up a wallpaper on your ActivPanel.

IT Admin: Radix

Radix: Enabling Radix integration
Radix: Enabling Radix integration
Radix Dashboard
Radix Dashboard
Radix: Device details
Radix: Device details
Radix: Checking for firmware updates
Radix: Checking for firmware updates
Radix: Uninstalling app packages
Radix: Uninstalling app packages
Radix: Repositories
Radix: Repositories
Radix: Creating a Policy
Radix: Creating a Policy
Radix: Advanced Messaging
Radix: Advanced Messaging
Radix: Assets
Radix: Assets
Radix: Creating a Workflow
Radix: Creating a Workflow
Radix: Creating and deploying a trigger
Radix: Creating and deploying a trigger
Radix Settings: WiFi Configuration
Radix Settings: WiFi Configuration
Radix: General Settings
Radix: General Settings
Radix: Wallpaper Settings
Radix: Wallpaper Settings