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Promethean Certified Teacher Course for International

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Lesson 7 of 6
In Progress

ClassFlow (Certified Teacher INT)

ClassFlow is an interactive, cloud-based lesson delivery software that increases the depth of student and teacher engagement by providing the collaborative use of classroom devices, digital curriculum and assessments for learning.


ClassFlow is a browser-based application, so only an internet-enabled device, a reliable internet connection, and a supported internet browser are needed.*

Send on-the-fly polls for instant student feedback, create interactive Activities, and Assessments for your learners, search from thousands of pre-existing resources from the ClassFlow Marketplace, and more!

Let’s discover how to get started with ClassFlow.

To create a free ClassFlow account, visit


*Google Chrome and Safari are the most optimised browsers.


The topics in this lesson will focus on:

  • Creating a ClassFlow Teacher account
  • Using the instant whiteboard
  • Connecting Students Devices for polling and assessment purposes
  • Using quick polls 
  • Accessing ready-made learning content from the Marketplace
  • Using the ClassFlow Connect button in ActivInspire

Make sure you complete the TASK sections in each of the topics. They will help you to practise some of the techniques, skills, features covered in the lesson and will also help you answer the questions in the lesson quiz after the final topic.