Camp Promethean Highlights

Camp Promethean 2021 Logo

Another engaging and resourceful Camp Promethean is in the books! We’ve captured a few of our favorite tips and tricks from the dozens of free sessions available that day.

Selecting Quality Educational Apps

When searching for the best educational apps on Google, include “best free Android+subject area” in your search and filter your search by time period. To adjust the time period, select Tools, then adjust the Any Time dropdown to a more recent date.

ActivInspire: Built-In Tools

In addition to moving the Revealer tool up and down on your flipchart page, you can even move it left and/or right! Hover over the revealer and drag left or right to segment content for your students. To learn more about the Revealer tool in ActivInspire, check out this short video tutorial.

ActivInspire: Build-A-Lesson

“Objects” in ActivInspire include images, media, text boxes, shapes, and more! It can be handy to lock the objects you do not wish to move on your flipchart page, especially for student interaction. In this example, students drag the terms below the t-chart, but the t-chart itself and headers are locked in place so they can’t be accidentally moved. To learn more about locking objects in ActivInspire, check out this short video.

ActivInspire: Intermediate

Side note — we especially appreciated how all of this year’s Camp Promethean sessions included closed captioning for additional accessibility and inclusion!

Setting some objects on your flipchart to be “hidden” can create an additional level of student engagement. In this example, students dragged objects out of the car’s trunk. Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to apply the hidden action to an object in just a few steps.

Blended Learning

Choice boards are an excellent way to incorporate blended learning into your instruction. Learn how to make a Choice Board in ActivInspire.

Classroom Essential Apps: World Languages

Utilize built-in templates like this web from the Promethean Whiteboard App toolbar to create activities on-the-fly for language learners. The Promethean Capture App can help you capture and crop any image on your ActivPanel (in this case, from the pre-installed Chromium browser) to help illustrate ideas.